Rest Stops and Road Signs: Log in the Water/Blade in My Eye...Thank You, Roman Polanski

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Log in the Water/Blade in My Eye...Thank You, Roman Polanski

According to Wikipedia, Cohocton's name "is derived from an Iroquois phrase for 'log in the water.'" Not knowing anything about Iroquois language or culture, I wonder why there is a phrase, rather than a word, for this concept? Because it is important? Or is this simply a misnomer?

I imagine a log in the water. It could signify many things: a bridge, a dam, a boat. Elliptically—kinds of water: still, rushing, deep, and—ponds, rivers, streams and oceans; ripples, currents, waves and tides. Parsing further, I think about power and ways to contain it: surmounting it, blocking it or giving in. Weight, buoyancy.

The windmills are forbidding yet compelling. I would not want to gaze at them every day from my back window. 

My family owns property nearby in Prattsburgh. Wind turbines are a hot button issue for them and many others. is an activist web site "Seeking to keep our hills and sky turbine-free."

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Brooklyn, New York, United States
Rest Stops and Road Signs is a place to remember my travels near and far...©2008 Amanda Carter